
妮娜妮娜 影片新闻 2024-07-05 47 0

这部即将上映的恐怖片《 长腿怪》,由大明星尼古拉斯·凯奇主演,讲述了一个连环杀手的故事。





Nicolas Cage appears to have scored another doozy with his upcoming horror film Longlegs thrilling critics and being dubbed ‘repulsive’, ‘a masterpiece’ and ‘terrifying’.

尼古拉斯·凯奇似乎又凭借即将上映的恐怖片《 长腿怪》再获佳绩,该片令影评人惊叹不已,并被誉为“令人厌恶”、“杰作”和“恐怖至极”。

The new movie has also scored a rare 100% on review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, having impressed (and scared) every one of its on-record viewers so far.


In the horror flick, 60-year-old star Cage takes on the chilling role of a serial killer being pursued by FBI agent Lee Harker (Maika Monroe), who leaves letters by the bodies at his crimes scenes signed ‘Longlegs’.


在这部恐怖片中,60岁的明星凯奇饰演一名连环杀手,被FBI特工李·哈克(麦卡·梦露饰)追捕。杀手在犯罪现场留下的信件上签名为“ 长腿怪”。

As the investigation becomes more complicated, with occult evidence uncovered, Harker discovers a personal link to the killer and must act quickly end his terrifying killing spree.


Written and directed by Osgood Perkins, with Renfield actor Cage also producing, Longlegs also features Alicia Witt and Blair Underwood, as well as Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’s Kiernan Shipka as Longlegs’ only known survivor.

这部电影由奥斯古德·帕金斯执导,演员凯奇还兼任制片人,同时出演的还有艾丽西亚·维特和布莱尔·安德伍德,以及《萨布丽娜的惊心冒险》中的基南·希普卡,她是“ 长腿怪”唯一已知的幸存者。

The film will be released in the US in July, perfect for a summer scarefest, but UK viewers will have to be a bit more patient as we await a UK release announcement for the Neon horror over here.


However, it sounds like fans who like to be frightened out of their minds will not be disappointed.


Among its rave reviews, Slashfilm gushed of Longlegs: ‘It’s the most terrifying horror movie of 2024, a film that gets under your skin and may never get out.’

在诸多好评中,《Slashfilm》对《 长腿怪》赞不绝口:“这是2024年最恐怖的恐怖片,一部深入你皮肤,可能永远无法摆脱的电影。”

Meanwhile Bloody Disgusting observed that the movie immerses viewers ‘so thoroughly in the repulsive, discomforting nature of evil through terrifying imagery and a tactile atmosphere that it’s unshakable’.


Flickering Myth also praised it as ‘easily the scariest film of the decade’, while other critics dubbed it ‘the most terrifying horror movie of 2024’ and ‘an unholy, horrifying confluence of high art and anxiety’.


‘It’s as if Oz Perkins’ cinematic freak-fest was forged in Hell by Satan, who brought it as an artifact into our world as a gift,’ suggested critic Courtney Howard for Fresh Fiction.

影评人考特尼·霍华德在《新小说》上评论说:“这就像是奥兹·帕金斯(Oz Perkins)的恐怖电影盛宴是撒旦在地狱里锻造出来的,然后作为一件艺术品作为礼物带到我们的世界。”

So – you have been warned.


Longlegs is also careful to keep Cage’s murderer very much in the shadows in the film’s trailer, only offering the briefest of glimpses at him where he looks completely altered with long unkempt hair.

《 长腿怪》在预告片中也非常小心地将凯奇的杀手角色隐藏在阴影中,只让他露出最短暂的惊鸿一瞥,他看上去已经完全变了样,头发又长又乱。

It also uses his creepy narration to underscore the teaser, with Cage’s Longlegs initially heard softly telling Harker: ‘I know that you’re not afraid of a little bit of dark – because you are the dark.’

这部电影还用他令人毛骨悚然的旁白来衬托预告片,凯奇扮演的 长腿怪最初轻柔地对哈克说:“我知道你不怕一点黑暗——因为你就是黑暗。”

He also chastises her for not ‘playing nice with him’ promising, rather threateningly: ‘I’ll be waiting.’


Co-incidentally, Perkins also offers excellent horror pedigree as the son of actor Anthony Perkins, who played Norman Bates in Psycho for Alfred Hitchcock.

巧合的是,帕金斯也是著名演员安东尼·帕金斯(Anthony Perkins)的儿子,安东尼曾在阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克(Alfred Hitchcock)执导的《惊魂记》中饰演诺曼·贝茨(Norman Bates)。

Perkins Jr’s first acting role was in 1983’s Psycho II, where he played the 12-year-old version of Bates. He has since acted in Legally Blonde and Secretary and Alias as well as writing and directing horror movies The Blackcoat’s Daughter, I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House and helming Gretel Hansel.


Longlegs is out in the US on July 12. A UK release date is yet to be announced.

《 长腿怪》将于7月12日在美国上映。英国的发行日期尚未公布。


serial killer: 连环杀手

occult evidence: 超自然证据

personal link: 个人联系

review aggregator: 影评汇总

horror movie: 恐怖片

horror flick: 恐怖电影

rave reviews: 好评如潮

terrifying imagery: 恐怖画面

tactile atmosphere: 身临其境的氛围





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